dig up some more gossip and controversial subjects for the next issue of Transvestia.
Love to all from
Observation from Virginia: I hope Susanna wont mind if she gets some comment directly following her col- umn in the same issue and from me. I hope more com- ments will come in subsequently from others, but in the meantime I'll put forth a thought or two. It has to do with Susanna's flat out statement that TVs shouldn't get married. I'll grant that the examples she has enumerated can be repeated several times and I too have known such cases. On the other hand I have known families in which TVism exists but to which genuine adjustment has been made by the wife. There really are "A" wives--not too prevalent but their mere existance proves encouraging enough that I'm inclined to disagree with Susanna's blunt conclusion. I've been thru the mill twice and I still say it.
I'm sure I am as aware as anyone of the plea- sures and satisfactions inherent in expressing the "girl within". I wouldn't want to be without the girl within. However the drive toward a mate, toward procreation, towards companionship and sharing a love and a life are even stronger and obviously are more important. Now marriage is a tough row under the best of circumstances and obviously every unneccessary additional problem adds to the strain. It is equally obvious that to anyone with a problem regardless of its kind, life without that particular problem would appear to be easier. So it is not surprising that many wives would prefer that their husbands were not TV. For that matter practically all wives would prefer that their husbands were perfect. What is